• Question: Where Do You Get The Brains You Research With From?

    Asked by shayejgg to Daniel on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Daniel Mietchen

      Daniel Mietchen answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      To clarify: The brains always stay with their owners (who walk away happily) — I just work with brain scans.

      There are basically three ways to get brain scans, other than doing the scanning yourself:
      (1) from the university clinics in which I am working
      (2) from colleagues at other institutions
      (3) via databases.

      I would personally prefer all research data to be deposited in online databases in a way which allows other researchers to reuse the data, but the general culture in science has not reached that stage yet, though it did for certain subfields like genetics and particle physics. Moreover, with medical and other data that may identify individuals, special attention has to be paid to privacy issues.
