• Question: can you tell me more about your self an your job in more detail so tht can tell me alot about you

    Asked by walkerb to Derek on 20 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Derek Mann

      Derek Mann answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      The overall aim of my job is to do science that improves our understanding of human disease so that we can come up with better medicines. At present my main interest is chronic liver disease which is a major cause of suffering. My daily work involves running a busy lab of 18 scientists who are doing many different types of experiments using liver cells. I help these scientists to think of the best experiments to answer the questions we are interested in, to understand the meaning of the results from their experiments and to then write up these results into scientific papers that we publish in journals. I also work hard to help young scientists with their careers.
