• Question: how do peole die from liver diesease

    Asked by eveyerrell to Derek on 20 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Derek Mann

      Derek Mann answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      The liver is a so-called “vital organ” which means that it is essential for us to live. The liver does many important jobs for our body including the removal of toxic substances from our blood which enter our body in food or drink or in medicines that we take. The liver also makes molecules that helps our blood to work normally and prevents blood from leaking into our tissues when we knock some part of our body such as our arm against a wall, a person with liver disease doing this may develop a very large and painful bruise. These functions of the liver start to fail when the liver is badly damaged and eventually the body is unable to cope without a fully functional liver and this leads to death. Unfortunatley death from liver disease is very unpleasant and painful, it is not a nice way to die.
