• Question: Ian: do u belive in the big bang theroy or do u belive that god created this world

    Asked by 07jkir to Ian on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Ian Sillett

      Ian Sillett answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      The big bang theory is supported by a lot of evidence in astrophysics and the maths fits all the way back to almost the very beginning. So, yes I believe the big bang theory. However, if evidence comes to light that does not fit then I will of course change my mind if needed.

      As for God, I personally don’t beleive but there is no choice needed between God and science. They are totally different things. I do however more actively condemn the literal interpretation of the bible from creationists and used in intelligent design as it totally ignores established science in many, many areas.
