• Question: Is reincarnation true or false

    Asked by james15 to Daniel, Derek, Ian, Phil, Upul on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Derek Mann

      Derek Mann answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Well we have no evidence that reincarnation happens and I suspect that the idea this could happen is very ancient, possibly pre-religion and certainly pre-modern science, perhaps to provide some meaning to the “cycle” of life and death. That is my long answer, my short answer – No!

    • Photo: Ian Sillett

      Ian Sillett answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      All life is made up of atoms and elements and humans are a carbon based life form. Carbon is a product of nuclear fusion in stars. A star sometimes goes supernova which means it eventually blows up and the debris forms the planets. On this planet, Earth, life evolved and here we are, made up carbon and water and other elements.

      When we die, in fact when anything dies, the body is broken down back into the constituent parts by other forms of life, like fungi and worms and bacteria. So in death we sustain other life. That life sustains further life, trees use the soil to grow for example and then other animals eat the leaves and other animals eat those animals. Life is a huge cycle and so in that way, we are reincarnated.

      I think the idea that the atoms in your body were part of an ancient star, and may in the future be part of a meteor, or a comet are fascinating. Likewise, on this planet in death you will sustain thousands of other life forms which is a lovely idea.

    • Photo: Daniel Mietchen

      Daniel Mietchen answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      It is true in the sense that probably some atoms in your body were once in the body of a now deceased person.

    • Photo: Philip Wadler

      Philip Wadler answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      From a scientific point of view, false. From a religious point of view, it depends on your religion.
