• Question: what equipment do you use to open brains?

    Asked by serenaxxx to Daniel on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Daniel Mietchen

      Daniel Mietchen answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      The brains we use always stay intact and in the heads of their owners, so in that sense, we do not open them. We work with digital representations of those brains, obtained by way of some 3D cameras called Magnetic Resonance scanner (or MRI machine, or similar).

      However, there are some occasions on which we have to “cut” the surface of the brain, e.g. to map it to a plane (just like geographers have to cut the surface of the earth to display it in a geographic atlas or map), and an example of the cut marks can be seen here, along with a further description of one of the software tools available for that purpose.

      Once you have such a flat map, you can project any localizable property of the brain onto it, as examplified here.
