• Question: What is your favourite fish, and what makes it your favourite, and why?

    Asked by pixelator to Daniel, Derek, Ian, Phil, Upul on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Derek Mann

      Derek Mann answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Cod, becouse it makes the best tasting fish n chips 🙂

    • Photo: Ian Sillett

      Ian Sillett answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Michael Fish. I saw him on the train yesterday and he’s a legend.

      That or the great white shark, obviously because they’re amazing.

    • Photo: Daniel Mietchen

      Daniel Mietchen answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      I have not done much work with fish, and the only species whose name I remember still is bound to be my favourite: Hydrolagus colliei. I have some MRI scans of one of them, obtained as a test whether the 3D anatomy of alcohol-preserved specimens can be imaged while they remain in their intact bottles. It works.

      I also liked Neil Shubin’s book Your inner fish, which tells the story of the evolution of humans and other vertebrates in terms of what was already there in our fishy ancestors.
