• Question: why is the stars at night time but not day time in the sky

    Asked by james15 to Daniel, Derek, Ian, Phil, Upul on 20 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Derek Mann

      Derek Mann answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      Great question James! The answer is that when the sun comes up it scatters light across the sky and the blue light in the spectrum of light waves from the sun is brighter than the faint light reaching us from the distant stars, As a result we cannot see starlight when the sun is shining.

    • Photo: Ian Sillett

      Ian Sillett answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      The stars are still there during the day time, you just can’t see them because the light from the sun is much brighter and hides the stars. Think of it like your mum shouting up the stairs at you but you can’t hear it because you’ve got your music on, it’s similar to that. Your mum is still shouting at you, you just can’t hear it.

    • Photo: Daniel Mietchen

      Daniel Mietchen answered on 20 Jun 2010:

      They are always there. It’s just that their brightness is low in comparison to that of the sun, so that they may not readily be discernible on a bright day.
